Things You Shouldn’t Do Before Bed

A good night’s sleep is the key to a healthy lifestyle. May is National Better Sleep month, and while many of us are aware of just how important our beauty sleep is, actually achieving a full night of sleep is a completely different story. You probably have heard of different suggestions that are supposed to encourage sleep, but did you know certain habits can interfere with your slumber? Discover the things you should not do before bed to help promote a healthy sleep routine.

  • Use electronic devices. While you might be under the impression that reading an e-book or surfing the web helps you unwind, it straining your eyes before you go to sleep can actually do more harm than good. These devices emit light that can prevent your body from producing the chemical melatonin, making it more difficult for your body to become sleepy. Avoid using handheld electronic devices or watching television for at least one hour prior bed. Instead, clear your mind through quiet meditation.
  • Drink caffeine. Coffee may increase your liveliness in the morning, but it could be sabotaging your sleep if you consume it too late. While a cup of coffee early on in the day may not have too much of an impact, caffeine can stay in your body for up to 12 hours. To prevent your daily dose of caffeine from conflicting with your slumber, avoid caffeinated beverages after 5 pm.
  • Take a hot shower or bath. You have probably been told that a hot shower or bath in the evening can help you relax, but taking one too close to your bedtime can actually cause your body to overheat. Lying down in bed right after a steamy shower can cause you to sweat and become uncomfortable rather quickly. To avoid this issue, wash up a few hours before bed and give yourself ample time to cool off.
  • Partake in strenuous activity. Exercise is vital to your well-being and can actually contribute to a good night of sleep, but too vigorous of a work out right before bed can actually raise your body temperature, making it difficult to fall asleep. Exercising in the evening is completely healthy – just make sure to get your work out in at least three hours before your head hits the pillow so you can easily doze off.

A full night of sleep on a daily basis is imperative, and one of the driving factors in the effort we make to living a healthy lifestyle. Make the most of Better Sleep Month by cutting these habits from your nightly routine. For more tips on how to get the best night’s sleep, visit Jaron’s Furniture blog.