How to Create a Healthier Home

How to Create a Healthy Home

A good portion of our lives is spent inside our homes. With that in mind, it’s beneficial for both our physical and mental health that we curate a healthy space. Read on to discover tips on how to create a healthier home. 

Cut out clutter

There is no better way to start creating a healthier home than with some spring cleaning. Go through each of your rooms and survey what you have: is all of it necessary? Can you stand to lose some knick-knacks? Are you hoarding candles, mementos, or VHS tapes? Getting rid of old and outdated accessories not only opens up your space, but it allows you to remove dust, which results in better air quality. Take a look inside your kitchen, too, especially your refrigerator. Throw out anything that is past its expiration date. 

Inspect your paint

Lead isn’t the only thing that can be found in your paint. If you plan on repainting any of your rooms, professional house painters in Chapel Hill, NC, recommend choosing paint types that have a low volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rate. These paints have fewer materials that emit gas over time, leading to a healthier home overall. Your color choice is also essential. Vibrant colors can make your room feel brighter and can improve your mental state.

Beautify with plants

Plants are special because they are both beautiful and practical decorations. Certain plants have been shown to improve the air quality of your home. Not only that, but plants can be a living piece of decor and act as art. A Naples, FL interior decorator recommends adding plants to bookcases to provide a different, natural texture. Besides bookshelves, you can also hang or place potted plants in corners to frame your room. If you are an avid cook, consider decorating your kitchen with edible plants, such as basil or parsley.

Let the light (and the air) in

Over the winter, it is common to shut the blinds and windows to keep the cold out. With the warmer weather, it’s time to let the light in again. More light improves your mood and helps regulate your circadian rhythm. Be sure to wipe down your windows and clean the frames. Consider changing out your blinds for something thin and transparent. To make your space feel even brighter, you could add mirrors to bounce back more light. When the weather permits it, open your windows and let the breeze in.

Clean smarter, not harder

Dust is not only unsightly, but it can also cause respiratory irritation. An excellent way to combat dust in your bedroom is by covering your mattress and pillows with dust-mite proof bed covers. For your living areas, it is best to avoid heavy materials for curtains, as they can collect dust. Finally, keep small, display-oriented objects behind glass to prevent the collection of dust. With less dust floating around, you can breathe easier.

Your home is where you spend a great deal of time. Using the tips above, you can create a healthier home and a better peace of mind.