Health Benefits of Skiing

Skiing is a great way to increase your fitness level and overall health. The body’s overall health can benefit from skiing in a number of ways.

You build muscle. Skiing is a full body workout, with the lower body doing a majority of the work. The body’s core, including the abdomen and oblique muscles, are activated every time you lean or turn to help direct your skis, causing them to strengthen and tone. Your leg muscles also get a great workout when skiing. It is important to maintain strong, muscular legs to have stability on the slopes.

You grow happier.  Endorphins and adrenaline release into the bloodstream when the body exerts energy, elevating a person’s overall mood. Skiing can increase these levels of endorphins and adrenaline that are released into the body and cause a greater sense of overall happiness. The chemical reactions that cause the release of these hormones in the brain allow you to maintain a sense of happiness and partake in the sport for a longer period of time, thus gaining more health benefits.

You lose weight. Skiing can be an intense sport, so much so that you can burn over 1,000 calories in one hour. Those looking to lose weight should consider skiing, as skiing requires a lot of energy. In addition, skiing is a sport that must take place in cold weather, where a few additional calories can be burned as opposed to a sport that takes place in the warm weather.

You improve heart strength. Due to the amount of effort exerted in skiing, the heart is required to pump faster. As a result, circulation and heart strength improve. An increased amount of oxygen is also spread throughout the body, improving your brain function.  

Your joints will thank you. High intensity workouts can cause damage to your joints and ligaments. Skiing is one of the safest sports and lowest-impact sports that does the least damage to the body. Unlike other sports, there is little shock to the knees, feet, and hips due to the gliding motions skiing calls for. Even when injuries occur in skiing, the damage is considerably less when compared to other sports.

Anyone who participates in the sport will see results, whether building more muscle or slimming down in size. Try skiing this winter and see for yourself!