How To Prevent Problems With Dust

Dust is an unavoidable part of life. Whether you’re at home, work, or even in stores and gyms, you’ll encounter dust. Aside from causing allergies to flare up, dust can provoke even more serious health problems like heart and lung disease. To avoid these issues and prevent some of the most common problems associated with dust, use these tips and tricks that have been proven to prevent or make the removal of dust easier in any setting.

  • Invest in the right furniture. Gone are the days of covering your furniture in plastic. Allergen-reducing fabrics are all the rage now, making it easy to find furniture that’s going to be stylish and keep your allergies from flaring up. To prevent the build-up of allergens, use furnishings that are easy to clean or wipe down. When it comes to curtains, make sure they’re made of an easily washable material so that they can be cleaned regularly.
  • Install air purifiers. Be in at home or in your office space, air purifiers can help remove dust and pollen from the air, making it easier to breathe. These machines also help to trap dust before it settles, which means less time spent dusting surfaces. Place an air purifier in high traffic or common areas in your home or office building to breathe happier and healthier.
  • Avoid clutter. Clutter is a dust trap, which means it should be avoided at all costs! To prevent clutter, keep your home or office space organized. Avoid covering surfaces with piles of magazines, junk mail, or other various tchotchkes, as they can collect dust and make it more difficult to clean and wipe down surfaces.
  • Vacuum often. Vacuums can be a lifesaver when it comes to dealing with dust. A high-quality HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) vacuum is most efficient in the removal of dust. To ensure you’re removing the most dust from your home or office, change the filter frequently so that the vacuum operates properly.
  • Dust properly. Many people think dusting can be done with any kind of cloth, but microfiber is always the best choice. Other fabrics only move dust around a surface without removing it. Microfiber was designed to trap dust and other small particles to prevent it from moving or floating around. Use a microfiber cloth to remove dust from surfaces at least once a month, working from the top down. When you’ve finished dusting, vacuum the area to ensure any remaining dust that may have fallen during the process is removed.

Remember to utilize these dust prevention tips to make managing dust easier! For the best in dust containment systems, visit TuffWrap.