End Of Summer Safe Driving Tips

Summer road trips are almost behind us and back to school traffic is on the horizon. With the change in seasons comes a change in weather, which also means a change in driving conditions. Whether you’re a new driver or you’ve been driving for decades, check out these fall driving safety tips to make sure you stay out of harm’s way when you’re on the road this season.

Problem: Wet Leaves. Rainfall tends to increase as summer ends and autumn begins, causing leaves to fall from the trees. Driving over wet leaves can be as dangerous as driving on black ice. Plus, they cover up pot holes and other road hazards, making the roads more difficult to navigate.
Tip: Slow down when driving on roads with wet leaves and don’t slam on the brakes. Leave at least three car distances between you and other drivers. Remember to always stay in your lane.

Problem: Sun Glare. If your morning commute happens shortly after sun rise, you will notice the sun glare makes it almost impossible to see.
Tip: Wear sunglasses and keep your windshield clean. Watch out for drivers who unexpectedly slow down.

Problem: Fog. With the increase in rain and decrease in temperature, foggy mornings and evenings are more prevalent as fall approaches. Fog limits your visibility when trying to navigate through your town.
Tip: Drive with your low beams on. High beams can bounce off the fog and create a glare. Keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you.

Problem: Outdated Car Parts. Your windshield wipers, brakes and headlights are needed more often as the days start to get shorter. Everything needs to be in tip-top shape and working well so that no problems arise when you’re on the road.
Tip: Stay up to date with your car service appointments and inspections. Check your taillights, turn signals, heating and cooling system, and tire pressure. If you notice anything is broken or in poor condition, it’s time to call your mechanic.

Problem: Blurry Vision. Without perfect vision, you are putting yourself at risk every time you drive. A good driver can clearly see all street signs, lights, and objects around them. If your vision is blurry, the chances of you getting into an accident are higher.
Tip: Get your eyes checked. It’s National Eye Exam month so there’s no better time than now to get that eye exam you’ve been putting off. With a fresh eye prescription, you’ll be able to soak in the beauty of fall and clearly see any hazards or obstacles in your way.

As always, you need to stay alert and focused when you’re behind the wheel. Follow these fall driving safety tips and you’ll keep you and your passengers safe all season long. For more driving safety tips, visit icandrive.com.